Plexus Blog

The Olympic Games are a must see for every communication professional this year


As a PR professional in the technology industry I have been infected with the tech virus for many years. It is my professional deformation to look at almost everything through the eyes of PR, marketing and tech.

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The Art of Storytelling in PR: Turning Facts into Compelling Narratives

There’s a lot of talk about AI in communication, and in the PR industry, we’re crazy about opportunities. But let’s not forget that the true art of communication is to turn dry facts and figures into appealing stories. In this blog piece, we’re going to explore how to create a great story.

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Optimising your journey from PR to Lead Generation for maximum impact

While many businesses understand the importance of public relations to ensure their brand is positioned correctly with their target audience, some become impatient and demand leads. This has frustrated many a PR professional since time immemorial, however PR and lead generation need not be mutually exclusive and a good communications agency can take a business on a journey from pure-play PR to a state where PR supports effective lead generation.

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Using and communicating AI – Think positive, but remain self-critical and realistic

Inspired by a thought-provoking blog article on AI-generated content from Plexus, I decided to delve deeper into the much-discussed realm of AI from a communication perspective. Recent technological breakthroughs have catapulted AI into the spotlight, making it a hot topic for communication professionals. From translations to image generation, AI tools promise to streamline and accelerate our work processes

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How AI Content Generation is Transforming Public Relations Strategies

In the continually unstable field of public relations (PR), it is of the utmost importance to keep up with the latest technology innovations in order to avoid falling behind the competition. Artificial intelligence (AI) is one such innovation that is redefining the processes of content production and transmission, which is causing traditional public relations methods to undergo a dramatic transformation.

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Relevance of case studies for an effective communication strategy

A case study is a story that outlines how certain challenges have been overcome to achieve some specific goals. Setting a communications and public relations strategy that includes case studies is essential for the success of any brand. In fact, case studies help to humanize companies, and the services or products they provide.

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Beyond Buzzwords: How the Best Marketing and PR Agencies Drive Real Results

One of the things that separates effective marketing and public relations firms is their use of data to guide their tactics. The way these companies utilize data defines them to make judgments. They carefully review the data instead of depending solely on their gut feelings or the current business trends to obtain an understanding of the audience’s habits, the dynamics of the market, and the success of the campaign.

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