By: Stella Jansen, Managing Director, Progress Communications
Author: Stella Jansen
The Benelux – How to be successful in a region that contains three very different countries
By Stella Jansen, Managing Director, Progress Communications
The dilemma of crisis communication in cyber-attacks
Cyber-attacks, data theft and industrial espionage: no longer abstract threats for German companies. And the malfeasance is no longer just impacting the major players. According to a survey the sector association BITKOM conducted in 2018, a good 68 percent of the companies polled had been affected in the past years. In this context, there were no major differences between companies with 10 to 99 employees, and companies with 100 to 499 members of staff. Experts assume that the real figure, the unrecorded cases, stands a great deal higher. After all, who likes to admit having been the victim of cyber-attacks. This could unsettle employees, customers and business partners, and substantially tarnish the reputation of the company.