Plexus Blog

Critical components for marketers to getting B2B lead generation right

Marketing agencies are often the facilitators of B2B lead generation for their clients – guiding potential customers from awareness to consideration and then conversion – with sales being the culmination of successfully converting leads. In an increasingly complex and dynamic landscape, however, lead generation has become a nuanced art for any organisation, even more so for those agencies. Rethinking traditional strategies for effective lead generation is therefore key to becoming competitive in today’s digital environment.

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Why IT language should be closer to C-level – the new decision-makers


The decision-making process often involves a combination of top-down and bottom-up input, with different stakeholders providing perspectives on technology needs, risks, costs, and benefits. Effective communication, collaboration, and a clear understanding of the organization’s strategic objectives are essential for making informed technological decisions that align with the business’s goals and priorities. 

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Should companies express political opinions publicly?

Brands and public relations agencies face the difficult decision of whether to take a political stance in their external communications or avoid doing so, mainly because we are living in times of great social and political polarization, and doing so can impact their image and sales.

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The Role of PR in Raising Political Awareness

Public Relations may already be recognised as a crucial part of businesses across industries but it is also considered an asset in the world of politics.  Rightly so, because politicians are constantly in the public eye and need a specialist to communicate their ideologies, strategies, projects, and initiatives to their target audiences.

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Is the Metaverse the Next Generation of Digital Marketing?

By 2030, the Metaverse is predicted to be a multi-trillion-dollar part of the global economy & according to research, the shift in marketing paradigms for this virtual world will set the bar for the future of b2c & b2b marketing communications. Unsurprisingly, the most dominant user sectors, probably due to their tech savvy attitude & gaming enthusiasm, are the Gen Alpha, Gen Z & Gen Zs – perfect if they are your target audience.

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The Benelux – How to be successful in a region that contains three very different countries

Often we are approached by companies who are in need of public relations (PR) or marketing communications in the Benelux. However, communication in the Benelux region, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, is dynamic and known for its own unique characteristics

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Here’s How to Repurpose Your Created Content

It’s a hard fact that marketers create a lot of content. But do you ever wonder if that great blog post you wrote gained traction with as many people as it could have? Think about it: The post runs once and then disappears forever into the blog archive.

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