Plexus Blog

Transformative Metaverse Trends that are Shaping 2023

In this article, we will explore five trends on the metaverse that are having an impact on the current year and may be important as well in the near future: The Rise of Corporate Virtual Realms, Transforming Marketing through Virtual Reality, The Sinergy of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the Metaverse, Interconnecting Virtual Realms for Seamless Exploration, Advancements in Avatar Technology within the Metaverse.

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Can journalists be replaced by ChatGPT?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being a hot topic for a long time. However, in recent months it has experienced a strong momentum worldwide thanks to ChatGPT, the AI solution by OpenAI. This tool has shaken many industries, including digital marketing, and opened new perspectives on how companies should promote in the future.

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How to write a case study that sells?

A case study is a powerful tool that businesses can use to demonstrate the success of their products or services. When done correctly, it can be an invaluable asset in your marketing and public relations efforts. But how do you design a case study that will truly resonate with potential customers? Here are some tips for creating an effective case study:

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Impactful Content Strategy for a successful 2023

The hype for trends to watch out for in 2023 continues, and while enough has already been said, I hope Content Strategy has been well thought out, too. Not to be mistaken for Content Marketing Strategy, Content Strategy is how best you articulate subject matter expertise and innovation in written and verbal communication.

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How to use inclusive copywriting in IT companies

Writing without bias is a constant issue that we have as communicators. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the language and always think about the target audience.

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Five ways to succeed with PR and communications in the Nordic region

Many global companies and agencies have tried a one-size-fits-all approach with local distribution of centrally generated news content—most often with limited success. And why? Because they do not think and act as a local company using tried-and-tested tactics in communications relevant to the region.

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The viewpoint, a true tool of influence

A viewpoint in the media strengthens the credibility and fosters trust and commitment among clients, prospects and partners. The company distinguishes itself by its expertise and its vision. The expert is seen as a specialist with a high level of competence or knowledge in an ecosystem. Its visibility in the media also reinforces the employer’s brand.

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